Going digital with your accounting is a journey – take the first steps
It’s often said that the ‘future is digital’, but society is already driven by digital technology. Businesses worldwide are using tech to innovate, increase efficiency in-house and to find new and better ways to communicate with customers and clients. We’re on a digital journey, and we’ve already made huge strides.
Manual accounting is already a thing of the past. Software has replaced the need to rely on hard copies of invoices and purchase orders. Bookkeeping can now be automated, so that all the time you’d usually spend on manually recording financial transactions can be better spent on more profitable tasks.
Technology is allowing your competition to do business smarter and faster. We don’t want you to be left behind.
What if you are behind?
Don’t panic. It’s more of a blessing than a curse to be transitioning to the cloud now. Although adopting new technologies and shifting software can feel overwhelming at any point, digital accounting software is tried and tested. As a Xero Gold Partner, we can attest to the fact that it’s changing our clients lives, time and time again.
You must walk before you can run
We make it as easy as possible for our clients to make the switch – and the easiest way is not to rush. We don’t want to throw you in at the deep end without the proper systems and processes in place. There are a couple of steps to follow before your business is ready for all the bells and whistles that Xero and its ecosystem provides.
It takes a little time to get you up to speed, but we’ve been through this process with our clients and found that there’s no better way to get off the ground.
Step 1: We tackle your time, with real time data capture
If you’re still doing things manually, you’re probably finding yourself time poor. If you have a finance person, or team, to do these things for you, you’re probably aware that their time could be better spent. We help you automate the processes for capturing source data and documents, saving you (and your team) hours of admin time.
Step 2: We give you the data you need to make decisions, with real time information
It’s near impossible to make decisions about how to progress, when you don’t know where you stand financially. Business owners are often telling us they feel like their business is plateauing. They don’t know if they’re able to take opportunities when they arise, or how vulnerable their finances will be if a surprise tax bill hits the table. We’re able to provide you with real time management accounts, giving you the key information when you need it in order to manage your business.
Step 3: We look at all areas of the business, and provide real time advice
You’ve reached the ‘bells and whistles’ part! Having real time information opens up the opportunity to work with our highly experienced team to integrate software tools that provide deeper insights into all areas of the business. We can help you implement a better system for getting paid, improve your cash flow position, and enable you to predict future profitability. You won’t be stunted by your finances anymore, and instead, you’ll be able to use your knowledge to build and expand your business.
Make decisions in the best interest of your business (there’s no catch)
Having access to your key numbers, and an understanding of how they affect the day to day running, is key to growing your business at the right pace. If you bake cakes without the key measurements, you may get lucky every once in a while, but most of the time you’ll end up with a mess. In the same vein, if you try to run your business without accurate and up to date numbers, you’re looking at an unpredictable outcome.
The added beauty of a software like Xero is being able to see those up to date numbers and take action wherever you are, on any device. You’re not chained to a desktop in your office. You can send an invoice, pay expenses, ping a purchase order off or reconcile the bank all from your mobile. On the train, in a meeting, at the supermarket, at the gym – wherever, whenever.
Read more about how we guide you through this digital journey and get you up to speed with your competitors. Your business (and staff, and family) will thank you!